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Summary List of Exam Preparation Recorded Courses for the CA Certified Legal Specialist Exam
Audio program! (check our CLE Programs page for live versions)
The following is a list of our Exam Prep courses and recordings currently available. We are only holding a live Exam Prep program for Appellate law in 2023. We did not hold any live programs in 2021. Our 2019 and 2017 recorded packages are listed below.
We stopped holding programs in all topics other than appellate law in 2019, after the bar unexpectedly took down their links to our (and our competitor’s) Exam Prep programs. Prior to that, links to our and our competitor’s programs were on the bar’s website for more than a decade (with an appropriate disclaimer that they did not endorse any program). This ensured that attorneys taking the exam could easily find an appropriate and affordable prep course to help them pass the exam.
If you would like us to hold a program in your topic area, please email the bar and ask them to resume putting links to our programs – as well as our competitors like CEB – as they did for more than a decade. Were the bar to resume posting links to our programs as well as our competitors, we would go back to holding prep courses in other practice areas. If you would like to request that they do that, please email them at: or email the Bar’s Executive Director, Leah T. Wilson directly at: and request they post the links to all exam prep course providers. They do know the main providers of these courses as they would ask us for our links ever year the exam and course was held, and they posted everyone’s courses.
Please click the links below for more information, including detailed agendas, faculty list, testimonials and to purchase the recorded package in CD, DVD (for two-day webinars) or Download format:
Exam Prep: Appellate Law Certified Legal Specialist Exam (Civil only) 2023. [live four part webinar and recorded package]
Exam Prep: Appellate Law Specialist Exam (Civil only) 2019
Exam Prep: Criminal Law (state only – CA) 2019
Purchase this program and you’ll also receive our you’ll also receive a download of our What Are the Immigration Consequences of a Criminal Conviction? webinar (a $149 value)!
Exam Prep: Immigration Specialist Exam (CA) 2017
Purchase this program and you’ll also receive our you’ll also receive a download of our What Are the Immigration Consequences of a Criminal Conviction? webinar (a $149 value)!
Exam Prep: Workers’ Compensation (CA) 2017
And, whether you attend or order our programs or not, don’t miss your FREE copy of our CA Exam Prep Course Study Tips – available for all. This audio recording is compiled from four of our Exam Prep courses held between 2015 and 2019. Click here to order the download FREE.
About our Exam Prep. Courses:
At our Exam Prep courses – many of which are the only ones in the state – Certified Legal Specialists talk to you about what to expect when you take the exam and give a substantive overview of the critical law and practice areas listed by the bar as potential topics upon which they may test the year the program was held. Additionally, two sample questions from the bar’s published subject-area packets are used as practice exams and the faculty walk you through the important issues presented by the questions (the mock tests are not graded).
By taking our Exam Prep. courses, you can reduce the stress that goes with the unknown when preparing for the exam; you can get a refresher on those areas of the law of which you do not practice on a daily basis (or never handle); and you can gain insight into how you should prepare and study for the exam from those that have gone before.
Important Reminder: Because we cannot know exactly what specific questions and issues the bar will test on, and their “potential topic list” is always vast, our program covers only those topics that the bar has said they might test upon for the year the program was held. This means that we cannot guarantee every single question or issue that appears on your exam is covered in our courses (that would pretty much be impossible). We also strongly recommend you begin studying for the exam early – as early as summer. Last minute studying, even with the help of this course, is always a risky proposition when it comes to such a difficult exam covering so many areas of law.
If you have any questions about our Exam Prep. courses, please contact us at Pincus Professional Education, and we will help you with any additional information and registration. Call: (877) 858-3848 or Email us at
If you would like more information from the CA Bar on their exam and becoming a Certified Legal Specialist, click here.
Below are just a fraction of all the wonderful testimonials we have received for our previous Exam Prep. courses:
Appellate Law
“Don’t even think about taking the California Bar Exam for Appellate Specialization without first taking the Pincus prep course. A one of a kind presentation by appellate experts who are familiar with the exam and will prepare you for the big test.” Jeffrey Lewis, Esq.
“Excellent prep course with dynamic lecturers and good materials. Exam materials and prep session were very useful.” – Ryan H. Wu, Esq.
“I’m not sure if I ever told you just how helpful your study guide for the exam was for me. It was just wonderful – and worked!” Holly N. Boyer, Esq., Esner, Chang & Boyer
“I passed and you [faculty member Wendy Coats] were extraordinarily helpful. The Pincus Prep Course was a worthwhile investment overall … Thank you very, very, much.”
“Excellent content and presentation…Excellent materials…Fantastic program. Thank you.” – Marisa Janine-Page, Esq.
“Multiple choice questions and sample answers were very helpful.” Zareh Jaltorossian, Esq.
“Excellent seminar that prepared for the exam. Interesting panelists with incisive comments and suggestions.” Tom Freeman, Esq.
“All was good.” – R. Joseph Trojan, Esq.
“Michael is great. Very articulate and he really knows his stuff. Great presenter! Pablo is amazing. Very helpful.” – J. Stobart, Esq.
“I was just certified this year. I did take your course two years ago and found it extremely helpful in preparing for the exam and would recommend it to anyone who is thinking of becoming a certified appellate specialist.”
“I passed the August Appellate Specialization Exam. Ben Shatz, Jennifer King, and Scott Davenport gave a great program and provided very useful advice in preparing for the exam. Thank you.”
“I just learned that I passed the Appellate Specialist Exam. I didn’t attend your course in person, I had the CD’s; but the course really helped me pass the exam. You did a nice job of treating the civil and criminal sides of the exam, I thought. I found the course very useful and helpful. Thanks to you and the panel who put it on.”
Criminal Law
“I passed the last criminal specialist exam thanks to your course. It was very helpful.” David Sandhaus, Esq.
“I thought that the program was great. There was a lot of information that I already knew, so that reinforced my knowledge base (I have been a public defender for 12 years), which made me feel good. The stuff that I did not know, with respect to juvie and whatnot was really helpful.”
“David Cohen’s session was outstanding. Great practical info.” – Leah Kisner Cahoon, Esq.
“Speakers were knowledgeable and effective.” Vijan Dinakar, Esq.
“Topics were very concise.” Tai Bogan, Esq.
“Great speakers. Thank you.”
“Interesting and fun seminar. Good idea having state bar presenters, very helpful.” David Sanhaus, Esq.
“Excellent speakers. All were great. Thank you.”
Estate Planning
“Just wanted to let you know that I passed the Specialist Exam for Estate Planning, Trust and Probate! Thanks for your great program. I really believe that it helped a tremendous amount. You have an outstanding faculty and I will recommend the program to anyone who asks me next time the test is offered.”
“Excellent! I was hoping for a direction as to how to approach test questions, dealt with great!” Frances Martin, Esq.
“All were excellent.” John Stubbs, Esq. (passed in 2013 and now teaching in 2015)
“Good amount of time – not too much, not too little.” Mike Zuckerman, Esq.
“Great speakers.”
“Excellent coverage given time limits.”
Immigration & Nationality Law
“They were to the point at guiding us how to prepare for the test and what the examiners expect from a lawyer taking the test…I liked it! Will attend others if needed. Great!” – Luz Eliana Phelps, Esq.
“I feel much more comfortable about the exam.” – Beth Persky, Esq.
“The program satisfied my objectives very much…program is great.” – Ed Allan Lindain, Esq.
“Good review of the topics.” – Susan S. Han, Esq.
“[Re: Camille Bowman] Extremely helpful and easy to deal with. She went above her call of duty to respond.” – Neda Zaman, Esq.
“Reviewing the material to be tested took away the ‘fear’ element…Howard Hom’s tips were useful for my cases.” – Beth Persky, Esq.
“Great content. Got a lot out of it!” – Sergio Copete, Esq.
“Fab outline, fine presentation, relevant.” – Helena Younosi, Esq.
“These instructors are GOOD. Best preparation course for this exam. This is an excellent program. The instructors provided us with tons of information. Thanks!” David Hunter, Esq.
“I am appreciative of the materials and approach. I now have a game plan and approach to the exam. All was well done. Excellent!” Thomas Alexander, Esq.
“Was great and organized!” Maryem Muradi, Esq.
“Professor Ross is wonderful, she is extremely knowledgeable and experienced, she was very patient and answered our questions, thank you.”
“Good speakers.” Chris Cooke, Esq.
“Extremely inclusive presentation, program is awesome.” David Hunter, Esq.
“Great!” R. Watson, Esq.
“The program was really well done.”
“The speakers were engaging and helpful.”
“Really good at breaking down essays and practice questions. Encouraging.”
Workers’ Compensation
“Great source to prep for the exam.” – Reema Simjee, Esq.
“Got a good overview of exam.” – Adrian Rodriguez, Esq.
“Knowledgeable panel… allowed various questions. Helped… me to stay focused and tuned in.”
“Very good.”
“Freeman and Kerkonian had great overall knowledge.” – Vahe Tchoukadarian, Esq.
“Good overview of topics.”
“William Lindheim and Lelian Maximous were brilliant! Mark Stephens was inspiring and very informative.”
Please click the links below for more information, including detailed agendas, faculty list, testimonials and to purchase the recorded package in CD, DVD (for two-day webinars) or Download format:
Exam Prep: Appellate Law Certified Legal Specialist Exam (Civil only) 2023. [live four part webinar and recorded package]
Exam Prep: Appellate Law Specialist Exam (Civil only) 2019
Exam Prep: Criminal Law (state only – CA) 2019
Purchase this program and you’ll also receive our you’ll also receive a download of our What Are the Immigration Consequences of a Criminal Conviction? webinar (a $149 value)!
Exam Prep: Immigration Specialist Exam (CA) 2017
Purchase this program and you’ll also receive our you’ll also receive a download of our What Are the Immigration Consequences of a Criminal Conviction? webinar (a $149 value)!
Exam Prep: Workers’ Compensation (CA) 2017
And, whether you attend or order our programs or not, don’t miss your FREE copy of our CA Exam Prep Course Study Tips – available for all. This audio recording is compiled from four of our Exam Prep courses held between 2015 and 2019. Click here to order the download FREE.
About our Exam Prep. Courses:
At our Exam Prep courses – many of which are the only ones in the state – Certified Legal Specialists talk to you about what to expect when you take the exam and give a substantive overview of the critical law and practice areas listed by the bar as potential topics upon which they may test the year the program was held. Additionally, two sample questions from the bar’s published subject-area packets are used as practice exams and the faculty walk you through the important issues presented by the questions (the mock tests are not graded).
By taking our Exam Prep. courses, you can reduce the stress that goes with the unknown when preparing for the exam; you can get a refresher on those areas of the law of which you do not practice on a daily basis (or never handle); and you can gain insight into how you should prepare and study for the exam from those that have gone before.
Important Reminder: Because we cannot know exactly what specific questions and issues the bar will test on, and their “potential topic list” is always vast, our program covers only those topics that the bar has said they might test upon for the year the program was held. This means that we cannot guarantee every single question or issue that appears on your exam is covered in our courses (that would pretty much be impossible). We also strongly recommend you begin studying for the exam early – as early as summer. Last minute studying, even with the help of this course, is always a risky proposition when it comes to such a difficult exam covering so many areas of law.
If you have any questions about our Exam Prep. courses, please contact us at Pincus Professional Education, and we will help you with any additional information and registration. Call: (877) 858-3848 or Email us at
If you would like more information from the CA Bar on their exam and becoming a Certified Legal Specialist, click here.
We’re sorry, but we do not give refunds for Recorded Package downloads under any circumstances. Our downloads are tested independently by three different entities to be sure they work before we post them for sale. We are happy to two-day or overnight you replacement CDs if your computer will not download properly or if you cannot find your download folder or you cannot find the audio to play it once it has been downloaded. We are also happy to troubleshoot the issue with you or your IT person or have our IT person do the same with your IT person.
We will replace broken/defective CDs or DVDs via 2-day mail as needed.
Please note – the most recent versions of Windows has broken their own Windows Media Player. If you have upgraded your computer to any of the most recent versions of Windows, you will need to use a different Media Player as Microsoft broke their own player in 2019. This is not something that we have control over, so you may want to purchase CDs if you do not have a working Media Player. We recommend using Groove Music if you are using Windows 8 or Windows 10.

$750.00 each
CA Legal Specialist Exam Prep Courses: Please click on the link of the Exam Prep. course you are interested in for more information about that program.