Social Justice Collaborative’s 3rd Annual Benefit Dinner

social justice

Social Justice Collaborative (SJC) will be hosting its 3rd Annual Benefit Dinner at Piedmont Veterans’ Memorial Building on October 21, 2018.

This evening event includes catered dinner, beverages, and passionate individuals speaking on behalf of immigrant families.

Save the date and join SJC for a night of celebration and honoring the work of pro bono collaborators.

To avoid fees, you can mail a check (with an email address) to:

Social Justice Collaborative
420 3rd Street, Suite 130
Oakland, CA 94607

Hot Weather and Pet Safety


LA Animal Services Offers Tips to Help Keep Your Pets Safe in the Hot Weather

Remember when it is hot for you, it is even hotter for your four-legged friends. Dogs and cats do not sweat through their skin. They cool themselves by panting or rapid breathing, which means dogs and cats must work extra hard to stay cool.

Too much heat can be extremely dangerous or even fatal for companion animals. LA Animal Services reminds pet owners about the hazards of hot weather and how to keep your furry loved ones healthy and comfortable. Here are some pet safety tips:

Never leave your pet alone inside a vehicle

If your pet cannot go inside at every stop with you, they are safer at home on hot days. Car interiors heat very quickly, even with the windows open. If it is 90 degrees out, temperatures can top 160 degrees faster than you can walk around the block. In fact, it’s against the law to leave an animal in a vehicle if doing so endangers the health or well-being of the animal.

Give your pet extra water

Always make sure that your dog or cat has plenty of fresh water to drink. A bucket that holds a gallon or more of water will stay cool longer than water in a shallow pan. Some dogs consider ice cubes a treat, and you can add a few to the water bowl.

Care for your pet’s coat

Longer coated dogs and cats who are brushed regularly have natural insulation from the heat. However, if the coat has gotten matted, a clip will make your buddy much more comfortable. Newly clipped and lighter coated pets, especially white ones, are at higher risk for skin cancer and they are more susceptible to sunburn.

Don’t leave your pet outdoors for a long time

If your dog has to be left outdoors for awhile, make sure they have plenty of access to shade such as trees, a covered patio or cool spot under the porch. Apply a pet specific or hypoallergenic sunscreen on sensitive areas like the nose, tips of ears and belly especially if they have light or thin fur.

Avoid hot ground surfaces

While walking your dog outdoors, play particular attention to the pavement, sidewalks or sand. Check the temperature with your hand, if it’s too hot to touch then it’s too hot for your dog’s paws.

Know the signs of overheating

If your dog or cat begins very rapid, noisy breathing, has trouble swallowing and looks very distressed, they could be having a heatstroke. Get the animal out of the heat. Apply cold, wet towels to the back of the head. Place cold packs wrapped in towels or plain wet towels between the back legs and on the belly. Cool off your pet and take them to the veterinarian immediately.

Remember, companion animals want to be with you. They will be safer and cooler inside with you, where they can spend their time doing what they do best: being your best friend.

CA Attorney Re-Fingerprinting


Reported on the State Bar of California’s website, the Supreme Court issued a new California Rule of Court effective on June 1st, which will require re-fingerprinting most active California attorneys.

Starting June 1, 2018:

  • The State Bar will issue instructions, FAQs, mandatory re-fingerprinting forms, a schedule, and other relevant information
  • Email notifications with more detailed instructions will be sent on a rolling basis until early August
  • Any attorney can begin the re-fingerprinting process by logging into their My State Bar Profile even if they have not received an email
  • Attorneys should not undergo re-fingerprinting until this information is released

The deadline to submit new fingerprints without penalty will be April 30th of next year.

Lowest February Bar Pass Rate Since 1951


Looks like California’s law students need to hit the books. According to an article posted by Cheryl Miller on The Recorder, a mere 27.3% of would-be lawyers passed California’s bar exam in February. Based on records dating back to 1951, this is the all-time lowest pass rate according to test data released this month.

The low scores reflect a national trend for the winter sitting of the exam. The average score on February’s multi-state bar exam fell 1.3 points from 2017’s scores to 132.8. This makes it the lowest average score in over a decade, and marks the fourth year in a row the month’s average score declined.

First-time test-takers of the February 2018 exam continued to do better than repeat test-takers with a 39% pass rate. Graduates of American Bar Association-approved law schools from California performed the best of any group, with 46% passing.

Dynamex Operations West v. Superior Court


Dynamex Operations West v. Superior Court is the newest development in the debate regarding workers being classified as independent contractors or employees.

We found this article Stinson Leonard Street LLP attorney Javier Torres posted on Lexology and wanted to pass it along:

The California Supreme Court recently issued its long-awaited decision in Dynamex Operations West v. Superior Court, which establishes a new standard for determining if a worker is properly classified as an employee or as an independent contractor. The court maintained that all workers are assumed to be employees, and that companies must prove that hired independent contractors are correctly classified under the new ABC standard:

“A. The worker is free from the control and direction of the hirer in connection with the performance of the work, both under the contract and in fact.

B. The worker performs work that is outside the usual course of the hiring entity’s business.

C. The worker is customarily engaged in an independently established trade, occupation or business of the same nature as that involved in the work performed.”

The Dynamex decision will have lasting effects on California companies using independent contractors.

Crypto Industry Sweep: ICOs Under Increasing Scrutiny by U.S. Regulators on The Recorder

Of interest to the new crypto industry – the U.S. Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) has issued several information requests and subpoenas to companies, investors and advisers that are involved in cryptocurrency exchanges.

This comes after warnings that initial coin offerings (ICOs) might be violating securities laws, and indicates that the SEC plans on thoroughly examining ICOs.

You can read about the SEC cracking down on companies looking to take part in the cryptocurrency boom in the recent Recorder article by Benjamin Klein, Deborah Meshulam and Jason Chang.

You can learn more about cryptocurrency by attending our upcoming Cryptocurrencies, Blockchain & Initial Coin Offerings seminar on June 22nd in Los Angeles. The huge expansion in Bitcoin & digital currencies and ICOs in states across the nation and globally has led to a significant need for attorneys proficient in the cutting-edge use of related legal and regulatory issues. Join expert faculty in this detailed introduction to the industry so you may advise and represent your clients effectively.

Advisors Needed for Summer Interns and Fellows


Public Interest Law Initiative (PILI) is actively seeking Advisors for their 2018 Advising Program, which matches current Law Student Interns and Graduate Fellows with members of PILI’s Alumni Network or Board of Directors.

PILI’s Advising Program is flexible, and allows Advisors to fit the program into their schedule. Advisors are required to communicate with their Advisee, and meet at least twice during the summer. Advisors often serve as an introduction to the Illinois legal community by providing career guidance, networking inroads and valuable insights.

PILI will provide additional support and tips to assist with making the relationship beneficial for both Advisor and Advisee. Those interested in serving as an Advisor should complete the registration form before Friday, April 27th, which allows PILI to make matches based on areas of practice and alma maters.

“The Rise of the #MeToo Movement: An Opportunity, Not an Obligation” on Lexology


We wanted to pass on this article The Rise of the #MeToo Movement: An Opportunity, Not an Obligation by Kramer Levin‘s Kevin B. Leblang, Izabel P. McDonald, Samantha Kagan in Lexology on improving your and your client’s workplace environment and sexual harassment rules and responses.

They offer concrete, positive suggestions that go beyond the typical “here is the law and here is how you should update your employee manual,” that can improve every company’s environment related to more than just sexual harassment. Their suggestions are practical and easy to implement and we highly recommend it, not just for employment attorneys, but for all attorneys.

Heed Caution with Embedded Copyrighted Content


This blog post on Lexology from Robert Laplaca discusses a recent case in the United States District Court of the Southern District of New York regarding websites’ usage of embedded Twitter posts in their content.

In the case Goldman v. Breitbart News Network, LLC, District Judge Katherine Forrest stated that using embedded content from another website still leaves the user liable to claims of copyright infringement.

Judge Forrest said, “Having carefully considered the embedding issue, this Court concludes, for the reasons discussed below, that when defendants caused the embedded Tweets to appear on their websites, their actions violated plaintiff’s exclusive display right; the fact that the image was hosted on a server owned and operated by an unrelated third party (Twitter) does not shield them from this result.”

United States District Court of the Southern District of New York. Goldman v. Breitbart News Network, LLC. 15 Feb. 2018,