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Home/Fiduciary Law
* Comprehensive Estate Planning Bundle (including Legal Specialist Credits – CA) (OnDemand Streaming or Recorded Packages) *
Audio program! (check our CLE Programs page for live versions)
Order now and save $875 by ordering the bundle – four courses for only $999! If ordered individually, you’d pay a total of $1,874!
Our more Comprehensive Estate Planning Bundle combines four fantastic in-depth estate planning courses into one great deal.
If you are looking for practical strategies and a solid overview of the estate planning laws and rules in California, this bundle is a great addition to your library!
You’ll learn about the law, rules, tasks, risks, strategies and options in multiple areas of estate planning, trust and probate law. Your faculty also provides advice throughout each program. Taught by Certified Legal Specialists in Estate Planning, Trust and Probate law, as well as some judges, this bundle is and essential resource for anyone in this practice area. It’s also something that should be on every estate planner’s shelf.
Each recorded package includes the seminar’s handbook, any supplemental handouts, and the program PowerPoints.
Please click on the program links below to learn the details about each individual seminar, including agenda, summary, faculty list and CLE units.
This bundle includes the following programs:
Estate Planning 101: The Nuts and Bolts (CA) Two Part Webinar (2025) [Will be available April 2-4, 2025. We will notify you when we put it in your account if you order it before then – currently the 2022 program will download if you order it before then]
Professional Fiduciaries: The Nuts and Bolts (2018)
Protecting Your Client’s Assets: Your Legal and Strategic Options (2016)
Order now and save $875 by ordering the bundle – four courses for only $999! If ordered individually, you’d pay a total of $1,874!
If you are new to estate planning, please consider our slightly different introductory course bundle: Starter Estate Planning Bundle (CA).
Have you ever though about improving your public speaking skills? Now is the time! Get Faith Pincus’ published book Being Heard: Presentation Skills for Attorneys, in paperback or e-book format from the ABA (ABA members receive 10-20 % off). It is also available on Amazon in Kindle and paperback versions.
What You Will Learn
High level agendas are listed below. Please click on each program for the detailed agendas, faculty and full testimonials.
Estate Planning 101: The Nuts and Bolts (CA) Two Part Webinar (2025)
- Initial Interview – Ethical Considerations
- Wills
- Trusts
- Fiduciaries
- Powers of Attorney
- Advance Health Care Directives
- Funding Documents
- Avoiding Litigation: Common Controversies Leading to Litigation
- Procedure & Timelines
- Discovery – Differences between Probate and Civil Litigation
- Types of Actions & Issues
- Capacity & Undue Influence
- Contests
- Removal of Fiduciaries and Accounting Litigation
- Conservatorships
- 850 Petitions
- Prohibited Donees – Probate Code § 21380
- Pre-litigation mediation and settlement
- Trials and Evidence
- Ethics
- Getting Paid: Attorneys’ Fees and Petitions
Protecting Your Client’s Assets: Your Legal and Strategic Options (2016)
- Incorporating asset protection planning considerations into your estate plans
- Asset protection for business enterprises
- Limited Liability Companies and charging order protection
- Practical use of exemptions under state law
- California’s New Voidable Transactions Act: Impact and application to common estate planning and business structures
- Recent case law and trials dealing with challenges to asset protection structures and transfers
- Ethical, civil and criminal risks of asset protection
- Case Study: Sensible estate planning to reduce the risk of future creditor claims
Professional Fiduciaries: The Nuts and Bolts (2018)
- Basic Outline of Matters
- Accounting and Asset Management
- Investment Standards and Rules
- Employing Caregivers
- Professional Fiduciaries Code of Ethics – Title 16, Division 41, Article 4, California Code of Regulations
- Protecting Yourself from Liability
- Neutrality and Role of the Professional Fiduciary
- Establishing and Growing a Fiduciary Practice
- Billing and Petitions for Fees
A few attendee testimonials from each program are below (see each individual program for full testimonials):
The following are a sample of testimonials from our 2025 Trusts and Estates 101 course:
“Very informative and great information.” – B.J.Fadem, Esq.
“Covered a lot of helpful materials.”
“Great and useful overview.”
“The speakers were incredibly knowledgeable and spoke on the topics with ease.”
“Great explanation of things; illustration examples are always helpful.”
The following are a sample of testimonials from our Probate Litigation 101 2023 program:
“I thought the content was informative and will help in my practice.” – Jeffrey Slack, Esq.
“The speakers were very knowledgeable.” – Raychele B. Sterling, Esq.
“Excellent.” – Adele Schneidereit, Esq.
“Very knowledgeable speakers, great to have the materials beforehand.” – Anna Darr, Esq.
“Great information.” – Joanna Averett, Esq.
“Very good. Just what I needed at this time.” – Carmen Qualls, Esq.
“I learned a lot today. I have been thrusted into litigation and the speakers took some of the edges off for me.” – Theresa Geoffroy, Esq.
“It was great, very interesting.”
“Great job.”
“The information was helpful.”
“I really liked part 2 of this program. All the speakers provided important information.”
“Yevgeny was my favorite. He gave a very clear and informative presentation, and I appreciated the sample declaration provided by email.”
“Lots of good information.”
“The information gives me more confidence in practicing probate litigation.”
“Great information and real-life examples.”
“It was great! Very informative.”
“This was an excellent 3 hours, if the next two sessions are as good this will have been one of the best programs I’ve ever attended (and I was admitted to the Bar in 1981).”
“Good job.”
“It was very informative; the speakers were interesting and stayed on point. Very good.”
“There is a lot of helpful information. The handouts are really helpful to be able to go back and reference.”
The following are a sample of testimonials from our Protecting Your Clients’ Assets program:
“Bruce Givner gave great innovative techniques for using exemptions under California law…Jay Adkisson was very knowledgeable about techniques that work and those that don’t…[and the] drafting of laws…Adrian Taylor was [experienced with] Cook Island laws…David Berardo was excellent [in describing] ethical, civil, and criminal risks of asset protection. [He gave] great advice to lawyers on how to protect themeselves!” Christine C. Weiner, Esq.
“Excellent. Thank you. Your table of contents covered what I wanted…very good seminar on the subject matter [with] excellent materials and excellent speeches. I wish it was two days.” – Arthur A. Graves III, Esq.
“Excellent speaker [who] kept the audience engaged…Excellent communication by the Pincus staff ahead of time.” – Danielle Barger, Esq.
“This was an excellent program…Thank you!”
“Very, very informative. Great seminar!!!”
“Overall, very well presented…important topic.”
“All speakers were great!”
The following are a sample of testimonials from our Professional Fiduciaries: The Nuts and Bolts program:
“Seminar was excellent; among the best that I have attended in my career.” – Jeff Moore, CLPF
“Very good overview and practical application of the practice.“ – Camille Boursiquot, CLPF
“As a nuts and bolts presentation, this was very, very good. “ – Lisa MacCarley, Esq.
“All good topics.” – Sam Thomas, Professional Fiduciary
“Very well done – thanks!” – Arthur Brown, Esq.
“This meeting helped me to understand the basics of being a fiduciary.” – Jacob Averett
“I learned a lot on all of the topics presented. Panel was excellent. The opportunity to hear from a sitting judge was excellent. Seminar was excellent. Among the best that I have attended in my career (formerly banking now fiduciary).”
“Speaker Judge Stratton gave me a lot of insight. I liked all the speakers and the topics.”
The following testimonials are from our Comprehensive Estate Planning program:
“More than satisfied – I feel I learned more than expected.” Kelly McGrane-Irwin, Esq.
“Very qualified and knowledgeable presenters!” Stanley Southwick, Esq.
“Great speakers!”
“I always like hearing examples from their practices.”
Please see the individual course pages for the list of faculty at each program.
Estate Planning 101: The Nuts and Bolts (CA) Two Part Webinar (2025)
Protecting Your Client’s Assets: Your Legal and Strategic Options (2016)
Professional Fiduciaries: The Nuts and Bolts (2018)
Order now and save $875 by ordering the bundle – four courses for only $999! If ordered individually, you’d pay a total of $1,874!
OnDemand Streaming: $999
Download format: $999
DVD/CD format: $999, plus $10 shipping and, in CA, sales tax.
Seminar Materials are included with OnDemand and all recorded package options.
OnDemand Streaming! On-Demand Streaming allows for a single person to view the seminar unlimited times until one year after the seminar is held.
Recorded Packages! Recorded Packages allow for a single person to download and view the program recording and are also available via DVD or CD.
Discounted rates are available for 2-4 attorneys at your firm. Licenses are available for law firms or agencies that would like to distribute the video package or OnDemand Streaming access to more than four attorneys at their firm or agency.
Your OnDemand access is good for up to one-year from the time of purchase. Please be sure to select OnDemand Streaming to the right and check out. OnDemand can be watched from any type of device.
*The Video recording is a video of the webinar (with sound). The Audio Only recording are audio files only and are for those who wish to listen to it without watching a video (such as in the car or while walking).
Note: OnDemand Streaming can be watched from any device. However, all download packages must be downloaded to a computer first, before transferring them to another device due to downloading as zip files containing both the video/audio and a large folder with seminar materials contained in the download package.
CLE Credit
This program is available for both Self-Study and Participatory CLE.*
CA General: This program bundle (all seminars combined) is approved for 30.25 units of general CLE in California.
CA Ethics: This program bundle (all seminars combined) includes .5 units of ethics credit in California.
CA Certified Legal Specialist in Estate Planning, Trust and Probate Law: Because The bar now has expiration dates for Certified Legal Specialist CLE courses, please see below for which courses in this bundle still qualify for CLS CLE based on when you are looking at this package. Please contact the bar’s MCLE department requesting their rules related to expiration dates of Certified Legal Specialist courses, for further explantation:
Estate Planning 101: The Nuts and Bolts (CA) Two Part Webinar (2025)
CA General and Ethics: Approved for 7.0 units.
CA Certified Legal Specialist Credit in Estate Planning, Trust and Probate Law – Participatory CLE: Approved for 7.0 Participatory units through April 9, 2027.
CA Certified Legal Specialist Credit in Estate Planning, Trust and Probate Law – Self-Study CLE: Approved for 7.0 Self Study units through April 9, 2020.
CA General and Ethics: This program is approved for 9.75 units of general CLE in California including .5 units of Ethics.
CA Certified Legal Specialist Credit in Estate Planning, Trust and Probate Law – Participatory CLE: Approved for 9.75 Participatory units through April 3, 2025.
CA Certified Legal Specialist Credit in Estate Planning, Trust and Probate Law – Self-Study CLE: Approved for 9.75 Self-Study units through April 3, 2028.
Professional Fiduciaries: The Nuts and Bolts (2018)
The bar now has expiration dates for Certified Legal Specialist CLE courses. This program is now only approved for 7.5 units of General CA CLE.
Protecting Your Client’s Assets: Your Legal and Strategic Options (2016)
The bar now has expiration dates for Certified Legal Specialist CLE courses. This program is now only approved for 6.5 units of General CA CLE.
*Participatory CLE: For those states that make a distinction between self-study and Participatory CLE (CA, IL, NY), please write down the Verification Codes read out during the program by speakers or our announcer and email them to us at and we will issue your Participatory CLE certificate.
Self-Study CLE certificates are already included in your recorded package, in the “Materials” Folder.
This program is approved for CLE in the states listed above. Upon request, Pincus Pro Ed will provide any information an attorney needs to support their application for CLE approval in other states other than what is listed above.
Terms and Policies
Recording policy: No audio or video recording of any program is permitted.
Seminar Cancellations: Should you be unable to attend for any reason, please inform us in writing no later than 14 days prior to the event and a credit voucher will be issued. If you prefer, a refund, less a $50 non-refundable deposit, will be issued. No refunds or credits will be given for cancellations received within 14 days of an event. However, if you notify us within 14 days of an event, and wish to convert your in-person attendance registration to an Audio CD package (with handout), we can do so. A small additional shipping charge, and sales tax in CA, will be incurred. No shipping charge is incurred for downloads. We will also issue a voucher for the amount paid if you notify us within 14 days and prefer not to have the audio recording.
Substitutions may be made at any time.
Webinars, Tele-seminars and Webcast Cancellations: Once log-in codes and passwords are issued for a webinar, tele-seminars or webcasts, a refund is not possible. If for any reason you cannot attend the event after you have received the codes, we will automatically convert your registration to an instant streaming/instant download or CD format and provide you with the information you need to access the recording after the program concludes and the recording is available. Conversions to CD require a $8.50 shipping fee, and in CA, 9% sales tax.
Downloads/CDs/DVDs – Refund policy:
Downloads are non-returnable/non-refundable once purchased and received. Tapes, CDs and DVDs are returnable for a full refund or replacement if defective, within 90 days of purchase.
Reminder: The room temperature at hotels and other seminar locations are notoriously hard to control. Please bring a sweater or jacket in case it gets cold and/or layer as if you are going to the movies so you are comfortable.
$1,770.00 $999.00 each
Comprehensive Estate Planning Bundle