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Home/CA Legal Specialist Credit
*Immigration and Nationality CLE Bundle *(OnDemand Streaming or Recorded Packages)
Audio program! (check our CLE Programs page for live versions)
During the past 20 years, Pincus Professional Education has held many Immigration related CLE seminars in a variety of states. Some are beginner level seminars, some intermediate, and some are advanced.
For only $925 you will receive our most popular five practical, top-notch immigration related courses previously recorded live. Depending on the format, the total cost of purchasing each individual seminar separately would be $1873-$2023. At only $925 – that’s 50% off or more for all five programs.
Purchase our Immigration and Nationality bundle and receive the video and/or audio recording and materials packages for five of our most popular immigration seminars. For most programs you can choose your delivery format: OnDemand Streaming, Download, CD or DVD:
(Please click on the program links below to learn the details about each individual seminar)
- Immigration 101: The Nuts and Bolts* [Three-part webinar, four hours 15 min per part – total run time is 12 hrs 45 min] (normally $575-625 alone) (2025)*
- Crimmigration – What are the Immigration Consequences of a Criminal Conviction: The Nuts and Bolts (2024)*
- Consular Processing: The Nuts and Bolts (2022)*
- Visa Processing 101 for Newer Immigration Attorneys and Paralegals (2017)** (Audio package only)
- Immigration Litigation in Federal Court (2019)** (Audio package only)
*These programs were held as live webinars, so your recording will be a video recording (via OnDemand Streaming or you can download the package). If you prefer audio only, so you can listen in your car instead of having to watch the program, please make a note in the comments section and we’ll get that to you separately.
** These pre-covid programs were held in-person, so your recording will be an audio only recording (as a Download or CD)
Feel free to call our office if you have any questions; our knowledgeable staff are excited to help! Our office number is (877) 858-3848.
Are you interested in improving your presentation skills in or out of court? There’s no better moment than now to take action! You’ll find Faith Pincus’ book, “Being Heard: Presentation Skills for Attorneys,” published by the ABA invaluable when it comes to improving your presentation skills.
To order a signed paperback directly from us at a discounted price, including free shipping, click here.
The book is also conveniently available on Amazon in both Kindle and paperback formats. You can also order her DVDs teaching presentation skills – for attorneys or in a corporate setting – here.
Faith has been training attorneys and executives in presentation skills, including coaching, since 1989.
Don’t miss this opportunity to improve your presentation skills and make your voice heard!
What You Will Learn
Please click on the links below to find out more about what you will learn from each of the programs in this Immigration Bundle:
- Immigration 101: The Nuts and Bolts (2025)
- Crimmigration – What are the Immigration Consequences of a Criminal Conviction: The Nuts and Bolts (2024)
- Consular Processing: The Nuts and Bolts (2022)
- Visa Processing 101 for Newer Immigration Attorneys and Paralegals (2017) (Audio package only)
- Immigration Litigation in Federal Court (2019) (Audio package only)
Please see CLE Tab for CLE credits before purchasing – not all programs are pre-approved for all states.
Feel free to call our office if you have any questions – our knowledgeable staff are excited to answer any questions. Our office number is (877) 858-3848.
Just a few sample testimonials for each program (See individual program pages for many more!)
Immigration 101:
“Wonderful seminar! Everything was covered fabulously, and the speakers were knowledgeable and interesting.” – Laura Lee Robinson, Esq.
”I wanted an entry-level, basic introduction to Immigration Law and that’s what I got. I was very impressed by the quality of the presenters. They were all experts in their field and were effective in sharing their wide knowledge base with us.” – Laura delaz Cabrera, Esq.
“The information was presented in a very clear manner that helped me to understand what I’ve learned on the job – and in my own research – much better.” – Kevin Kime, Esq.
“Interesting and great content!” – Georgia Thomas, Esq.
“The program ran very well. The speakers were great and experienced in their field. They were very helpful and answered questions one-on-one.” – Dina Hunter, Esq.
“This class was simply phenomenal. Thank you!” – Gisela Rodrigues, Esq.
“Speakers worked well together to convey all important information.” – William K. Hedrick, Esq.
“Well done, I enjoyed the three days.” – Sanjeev Dhingra, Esq.
What are the Immigration Consequences of a Criminal Conviction:
“Very detailed.” – Hranush Melkonyan, Esq.
“The topic is timely and complex, and the all the presenters did well.” – Julie Stormes, Esq.
“Presentations were clear, matched advertised descriptions, presenters knowledgeable, and I learned a lot!”
“Very clear and digestible explanations on topics.”
“I am new to this area of law and found it very informative.”
“Speakers are good and to the point.”
“Very knowledgeable and organized the info very easy to understand.”
“I thought the scope was very well designed – lot of information, but not too much to take in, and well organized.”
Consular Processing: The Nuts and Bolts:
“The speakers made the subject matter understandable.” – Lizbeth Potts, Esq.
“Very informative and well presented.” – John D. Robinson, Esq.
“I liked the material very much; it was a dynamic session.”
“Used to verify my current experience in these matters and picked up some pointers.”
”This class was simply phenomenal. Thank you!” Gisela Rodrigues, Esq.
”Great overview of the visas!” Sherine Makar, Esq.
”I found the seminar very informative.” Pedro A. Lopez, Esq.
Immigration Litigation in Federal Court seminar:
“Excellent seminar. Thank you.” – Kate Metcalf, Esq.
“Thank you and thank Mrs. Pincus once again for allowing us the opportunity to attend the Immigration Litigation in Federal Court course. The speakers were very informative and the subject matter timely. We all came away with new tools to better assist our clients.” – Fernando Wytrykusz, Esq., Catholic Legal Services, Inc.
“I found it useful.” – Maria Herrera Mellado, Esq.
“Overall, very good. Very helpful speakers.” – Chelsea Nowell, Esq.
Please click on the links below to find out more about the faculty for each program:
- Immigration 101: The Nuts and Bolts (2025)
- Crimmigration – What are the Immigration Consequences of a Criminal Conviction: The Nuts and Bolts (2024)
- Consular Processing: The Nuts and Bolts (2022)
- Visa Processing 101 for Newer Immigration Attorneys and Paralegals (2017)
- Immigration Litigation in Federal Court (2019)
Please see CLE Tab for CLE credits before purchasing – not all programs are pre-approved for all states.
Save more than 50% when you purchase the bundle!
For only $925 you will receive five practical, top-notch immigration related courses previously recorded live. Depending on the format, the total cost of purchasing each individual seminar separately would be $1873-$2023. At only $925 – that is more than 50% off for all five programs.
OnDemand Streaming: $925
Download format: $925
DVD/CD format: $925, plus $10 shipping and, in CA, sales tax.
Seminar Materials are included with OnDemand and all recorded package options.
OnDemand Streaming! On-Demand Streaming allows for a single person to view the seminar unlimited times until one year after the seminar is held.
Recorded Packages! Recorded Packages allow for a single person to download and view the program recording and are also available via DVD or CD.
Discounted rates are available for 2-4 attorneys at your firm. Licenses are available for law firms or agencies that would like to distribute the video package or OnDemand Streaming access to more than four attorneys at their firm or agency.
Your OnDemand access is good for up to one-year from the time of purchase. Please be sure to select OnDemand Streaming to the right and check out. OnDemand can be watched from any type of device.
*The Video recording is a video of the webinar (with sound). The Audio Only recording are audio files only and are for those who wish to listen to it without watching a video (such as in the car or while walking).
Note: OnDemand Streaming can be watched from any device. However, all download packages must be downloaded to a computer first, before transferring them to another device due to downloading as zip files containing both the video/audio and a large folder with seminar materials contained in the download package.
Please see CLE Tab for CLE credits before purchasing – not all programs are pre-approved for all states.
CLE Credit
This program is available for both Self-Study* and Participatory CLE in several states. Each state has different CLE rules and not all programs in this bundle are approved for CLE in all states list. Please read the approval descriptions for each state carefully!
CA General: This package is certified as valid for 33.25 CLE units in CA.
CA Certified Legal Specialist In Immigration and Nationality Law CLE Units (vary by course and expiration date – check expiration date):
Due to the bar’s expiration policy, some of the programs in this bundle are available for Self-Study (only) Certified Legal Specialist CLE in Immigration and Nationality Law and some are available for Participatory Certified Legal Specialist CLE in Immigration and Nationality Law, depending on the expiration date created by the bar, and the time you chose to purchase and watch it.
If you want Certified Legal Specialist CLE, please look at the expiration dates for each program and make sure they are still valid for this type of CLE.
Immigration 101: The Nuts and Bolts: [three-part 12.75 hour webinar] (2025):
Participatory: 12.75 Participatory Certified Legal Specialist CLE through 03/03/2027.
Self Study: 12.75 Self Study Certified Legal Specialist CLE through 03/03/2030.
Crimmigration – What are the Immigration Consequences of a Criminal Conviction: The Nuts and Bolts:
Participatory: 3.5 Participatory Certified Legal Specialist CLE through 6/17/2026.
Self Study: 3.5 Self Study Certified Legal Specialist CLE through 6/17/2029.
Consular Processing: The Nuts and Bolts:
Participatory: 3.5 Participatory Certified Legal Specialist CLE through 08/11/2024.
Self Study: 3.5 Self Study Certified Legal Specialist CLE through 08/11/2027.
No longer available for Certified Legal Specialist in Immigration Law CLE:
- Litigation in Federal Court (2019)
- Visa Processing 101 (2017)
For CA General or CLS Participatory CLE Credit, listen to the CLE verification code or codes read out by either faculty or our announcer throughout the program, write them down, and then email them to us at After we verify your codes we will email you a Participatory CLE Certificate.
CA Self Study CLE Certificates are already included in your recorded package, in the “Materials” Folder.
Florida has specific expiration dates for general CLE – 18 months from the time it is held. CLE for each program in this package expires at some point. Please see below to see which programs are still valid for CLE in FL. FL will not accept submissions by individual attorneys for CLE credit for expired programs.
FL General: The following seminars in this package offer CLE approval in FL. All Florida course CLE expires 18 months after being held, unless renewed by the provider.
Immigration 101 (Recorded March 4, 6, &11, 2025):
FL General: This program is approved for 15.5 units of General CLE Credits in Florida through 09/30/2026.
FL Board Certified: This program is approved for 15.5 units of Certification Credits in Immigration and Nationality Law through 09/30/2026.
Crimmigration (Recorded June 18, 2024):
FL General: This program is approved for 4.0 units of general CLE in Florida through December 31, 2025.
FL Certification Credits: This program is approved for the following Certification Credits in Florida through December 31, 2025.
Criminal Appellate Law – 4.0 units
Criminal Trial Law – 4.0 units
Immigration and Nationality Law – 4.0 units
No longer valid for CLE in Florida:
- Consular Processing: The Nuts and Bolts (2022)
- Visa Processing 101 (2017)
- Immigration Litigation in Federal Court (2019).
Florida is a self-report state when it comes to recorded programs. You do not need to email any verification codes. Please submit your CLE to the FL Bar via your Attorney Portal.
Washington has specific expiration dates for general CLE – five years from the date it is held. CLE for each program in this package expires at some point. Please see below to see which programs are still valid for CLE in WA.
Immigration 101: This program is approved for 12.75 units of general CLE in Washington (each individual part is approved for 425 units through 03/03/2030. WA requires the individual part of a webinar be approved, and does not approve the entire program as one program, so please report each part separately. Please contact us if you have any issues.).
Crimmigration (Recorded June 18, 2024): This program is approved for 3.50 units of general CLE in Washington through June 17, 2029.
Consular Processing: The Nuts and Bolts (Recorded August 11, 2022): This program is approved for 3.25 units of general CLE in Washington through August 10, 2027.
Not approved for CLE in Washington:
- Visa Processing 101 (2017)
- Immigration Litigation in Federal Court (2019).
Immigration 101: This program is approved for 12.75 units of general CLE in Oregon, through 03/03/2028.
The other four programs in this bundle are not approved for CLE in Oregon and the attorney will have to submit for approval on his or her own. We cannot guarantee OR will approve CLE for any other recorded program in this package.
Upon request, Pincus Pro Ed will provide any information an attorney needs to support their application for CLE approval in other states other than what is listed above.
$2,023.00 $925.00 each
* Five Course Immigration and Nationality CLE Bundle *