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Home/Live CLE Programs
Testing Live program with $69 AV
Audio program! (check our CLE Programs page for live versions)
[type course summary here][ PROOF READ]
Put Agenda here. you cannot just copy and paste the agenda from dropbox or a prior program. Use bold, etc. fonts as appropriate. PROOF READ and make sure you have not accidentally included internal notes about the seminar that are meant for the speakers. There are usually notes in all agendas, so you cannot just copy and paste the agenda. You absolutely MUST read the agenda once you have pasted it in. Every single line of it.
Be sure you do not accidentally include internal planning notes. These are usually marked as such, but not always. Ask Faith if you are not sure.
This is also important when you are copying over from a prior program or from a different state. Every state has different laws so each agenda will be slightly different based on the state.
Use this format:
If one part only:
Online Webinar
September 20th, 2016
8:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.
If a two part webinar:
Two- Part Webinar
Part I: Day, Date
Part II: Day, Date
Times for both sessions:
a.m. – p.m. CDT
p.m. – p.m. EDT
We will send your login details and handout materials a few days before your program.
Note – your goal is to make this as easy to read in a few seconds as possible, so review it live and adjust if needed.
Add testimonials here. Instructions (read all of these):
Best ones, especially signed ones, full name, at the top. PROOF them! Make sure the capitalization and punctuation and spelling is correct.
Re-order them if you seem to be burying good ones with not so great ones. ALL OF THE BEST need to be at the top, regardless of year, if same program.
Non-signed ones SHOULD NOT be at the top, even good ones. You can intersperse them towards the middle if stellar, but otherwise they belong at the bottom, after signed ones.
While you are there, if also using from old programs – PROOF. Lots have errors, missing quote marks, etc.
If you include testimonials from another program, even if this one done a year or more before, you must include a disclaimer before those along the lines of: “The following testimonials are from prior [a [years, months, cities] that this program has been held, with a very similar agenda and many of the same faculty.” or “The following testimonials are from other [ ] law programs held, with many of the same faculty teaching.” Check the sentence grammar please.
Make sure the parenthesis start and end and there is a period at the end of the testimonial, before the final parenthesis. Many do not have this on the old site.
Make sure all “I” are “I” and not in lower case i – this is an early and common mistake that should not be carried over.
If no testimonials, include this one and the one from the recorder:
“It’s not merely about getting in the required CLE hours. The content of the seminar I attended impressed me and sold me on your programs. It’s very easy to get the hours. Getting something of substance that is beneficial is different. I’m proud to say that this is what separates you from the competition.” – Jerry Szymanski, Esq.
Insert the following code for each faculty member. Put judges first, then faculty in alpha order. When adding new faculty after a program has been created, insert them in the correct alpha order (after any judges at top. If a judge, insert in the correct alpha order in the judge’s section).
Here is the code:
Hon. Ernest H. Goldsmith (Ret.)
Judge, San Francisco Superior Court 1996 – 2016
ADR Services, Inc.
Hon. Ernest H. Goldsmith served as a Judge of the San Francisco Superior Court for 20 years, with all but two of those years spent in civil assignments. He most recently sat in the civil Law and Motion Department, where he handled a busy motions calendar and decided many high-profile pre-trial motions and injunction requests. He presided over a wide range of civil trials, including business and commercial, real estate, insurance coverage and bad faith, torts, employment including class actions, malpractice, consumer class actions, and probate matters, among others.
Judge Goldsmith served as the court’s CEQA judge, where he decided challenges to the California Clean Air Act of 2006 and the implementation of cap and trade. He handled some of the most prominent CEQA and environmental actions, including the Coastal Commission Malibu Lagoon revision project, the Department of Fish and Game Klamath River fishery environment case, the San Francisco Hunters Point development case, along with many other local development cases.
As the Asbestos General Orders Judge, Judge Goldsmith was responsible for designing and implementing a mandatory electronic filing and service program for all asbestos litigation in San Francisco. He also oversaw the expansion of electronic filing and the development of electronic program rules.
Replace the first name and last name with the EXACT first name and last name as it appears on the back end in our instructor list.
*If there is no early bird pricing, please delete it from the verbiage below:
Use this format for two-part webinars – w/early bird:
Register now and save up to 40% on each registration with the Early Bird rate!
Your discount is automatically applied at check out – no coupon needed.
Registration fees are per person.
Individual: $425
Individual Sale Price: $249
Group: $399 per person for 2 or more from the same company pre-registering at the same time
Group Sale Price $239
Government employee/Legal Aid* Rate: $375
Early Bird registration $229
Law Student*/Paralegal Rate: $235
Early Bird registration $200
*Your discount is automatically applied at check out.
We will send your login details and handout materials approximately one week before your program.
Program materials:
Registration includes an electronic copy (.pdf) of your seminar handbook. This will be emailed to you a few days before the program. Be sure to check your spam folder if you don’t see it by then. Please put in your address book to make sure you receive your pdf of the program handbook.
* Law Student Rate is for current law students only. Please bring your law school ID to show when you check in for the program.
** Legal Aid attorneys are those attorneys employed by Legal Aid/non-profit firms. It does not include attorneys who have their own practice, or are employed by law firms, that volunteer their time for non-profit causes or take on pro-bono cases. It also does not include attorneys who serve on non-profit boards.
Full and partial scholarships may be available to a limited number of Legal Aid attorneys, based upon registration. Please call (877) 858-3848 to discuss or email your request to
Note: Pricing for one part webinars is below. Use format above.
Individual: $189 per person
Group: $179 per person for 2 or more from the same company pre-registering at the same time
Government employee/Non-Profit* Rate: $149
Register now and save 25% on each registration with the Early Bird rate!
Your discount is automatically applied at check out – no coupon needed.
Registration fees are per person.
Individual: $255
Individual Sale Price: $189
Group: $239 per person for 2 or more from the same company pre-registering at the same time
Group Sale Price $179
Government employee/Legal Aid*/Law Student/Paralegal Rate: $200
Early Bird registration $149
We will send your login details and handout materials approximately one week before your program.
Program materials:
Registration includes an electronic copy (.pdf) of your seminar handbook. This will be emailed to you a few days before the program. Be sure to check your spam folder if you don’t see it by then. Please put in your address book to make sure you receive your pdf of the program handbook.
* Law Student Rate is for current law students only. Please bring your law school ID to show when you check in for the program.
** Legal Aid attorneys are those attorneys employed by Legal Aid/non-profit firms. It does not include attorneys who have their own practice, or are employed by law firms, that volunteer their time for non-profit causes or take on pro-bono cases. It also does not include attorneys who serve on non-profit boards.
Full and partial scholarships may be available to a limited number of Legal Aid attorneys, based upon registration. Please call (877) 858-3848 to discuss or email your request to
CLE Credits
Notes: Enter CLE info here – both regular and specialist/board certified and ethics. MAKE IT CLEAR please. Follow the format below. CA and NY, and the “Upon request…” show up in every single seminar below the state in which the program is being held.
NY and NJ can not be included for Webinar credit until Faith checks their rules to see if the rules have changed.
Note: where you see red ink – it’s just there to remind you to enter the units. Do not put the units or info in red.
Delete all unnecessary text/notes when you are done.
Regarding in which order to place the text, put the state in which the program is being held first, then next comes CA, then NY. However, if the program is approved in all states (usually a webinar), put it in Alpha order, including NY.
CA General: This program is approved for xxx units of general CLE in California.
CA Certified Legal Specialist: This program is approved for xxx units of Certified Legal Specialist CLE in California in [type of law] Law as follows:
- add the subfields per the approval letter, if they are provided by the bar.
Note: Only include this if this applies. In CA, ALL of the following courses are valid for legal specialist credit: Appellate, Immigration, Estate Planning and no letter will be provided, we are a certified provider in those specialist fields. Same units for both, unless Faith says otherwise. There are some courses for which Faith applies for separate legal specialist credit. Be sure to ask her about this on bankruptcy and tax programs especially.
Ethics/Professional Responsibility: xxx units. (note – add any Bias, Substance Abuse, etc. sub categories here. Ethics is listed as an example)
FL General: This program is approved for xxx units of general CLE in Florida through (insert expiration date).
FL Board Certified: This program is approved for xxx units of Board Certified CLE in Florida as follows: xxxx law, xxx law through (insert expiration date)
Ethics/Professional Responsibility: xxx units through (expiration date)
IL General: This program is approved for xxx units of general CLE in Illinois through (insert expiration date).
Professional Responsibility: xxx units through (expiration date)
NJ General: The LIVE session of this course is approved, under New Jersey’s CLE Approved Jurisdiction policy, for xxx CLE units. Pincus Professional Education is a CA Accredited Provider, which is a NJ approved jurisdiction. See the New Jersey State CLE Board Regulations and Guidelines for further information. (use CA unit calculation – one unit per hour of instruction – for amount of units, even if the program is held in another state)
NY General: The LIVE session of this course is approved, under New York’s CLE Approved Jurisdiction policy, for xxx CLE units. Pincus Professional Education is a CA Accredited Provider, which is a NY approved jurisdiction. See Section 6 of the New York State CLE Board Regulations and Guidelines for further information. (use CA unit calculation – one unit per hour of instruction – for amount of units, even if the program is held in another state)
WA General: This program is approved for xxx units of general CLE in Washington through (insert expiration date)..
WA Ethics: xxx units through (insert expiration date).).
This program is approved for CLE in the states listed above. Upon request, Pincus Pro Ed will provide any information an attorney needs to support their application for CLE approval in other states other than what is listed above. Many attorneys ask for this and are approved in other states.

$200.00 – $249.00 each
Date | Two-Part Webinar (or just Webinar if only one part)