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Winning Motions for Summary Judgment [OnDemand Streaming and Recorded Packages]
Audio program! (check our CLE Programs page for live versions)
Want to watch this program live? Click here to register for the online live webcast.
Ordering OnDemand or the Recorded Package download? Discounted rates are available for 2-4 attorneys at your firm. Licenses are available for law firms or agencies that would like to distribute the video package or OnDemand Streaming access to more than four attorneys at their firm or agency. Email us at for more information.
Program Summary:
Understanding how to persuasively write or respond to a Motion for Summary Judgment (MSJ) is an essential skill for all litigators – federal or state.
And just as important, but often overlooked, is the need to develop your skills related to planning for the MSJ motion much earlier in your case. This means you need to consider your pleadings, meetings, motions, initial disclosures and discovery, among other things, with a possible MSJ in mind.
With state and federal judges teaching, as well as seasoned litigators, you will learn not only how to write your MSJs more persuasively, but also how to approach the entire first part of your case with a Motion for Summary Judgment in mind.
Your faculty will provide comparisons between Federal and State court rules, when relevant. However, the program is focused on the MSJ itself, not a specific court. Faculty includes Retired Federal Court Chief Magistrate Judge Suzanne Segal (CDCA), now in ADR, Superior Court Judge (San Francisco) Joseph Quinn and Superior Court Judge Harold Hopp (Riverside).
You will get plenty of advice from the bench – including how best to persuade judges – as well as practical advice, strategies and suggestions from the experienced practitioners teaching the program.
At the beginning of the seminar, you will learn how to plan for the MSJ – pleading considerations when thinking of your MSJ, meetings and initial disclosures that could impact your MSJ, and how Motions to Dismiss or Demurrers introduce MSJ topics, to name a few. Your faculty will also discuss how to best develop your discovery plans with the MSJ in mind, how jury instructions and legal precedent impact your motion and even cost considerations.
After those very important considerations are covered, your faculty will then go into the brief itself. They will compare the Standards between state court and federal court, provide advice on how to be more persuasive when writing each section of the brief and give you suggestions regarding how to approach supporting declarations and evidence.
They will also cover the always challenging Separate Statement of Facts as well as objections to evidence and responses, which many judges say trip up attorneys frequently.
Your expert litigators will then provide instruction regarding the Opposition Brief – standards (including state v. federal), declarations and evidence (again), and objections to the proposed judgment.
And they will wrap with final tips from the bench and of course – common mistakes to avoid.
This is a must-attend program for any attorney wanting to know improve not only their writing skills with respect to Motions for Summary Judgment, but also how to handle the early parts of their case with the MSJ in mind, to optimize their chances of success on Motion for Summary Judgment.
Given that a complete win on a MSJ gets rid of the trial, the stakes on both sides of the aisle are very high indeed and any improvement in your MSJ strategies, planning and writing could make the difference.
Please see the agenda tab above for a more detailed agenda.
This program will be recorded live on Thursday, November 7th, 2024 and is available via On-Demand or Recorded Package Download. One person per order may view the recording.
Discounted rates are available for 2-4 attorneys watching via OnDemand at your firm or agency. Licenses are available for law firms or agencies that would like OnDemand Streaming for more than four attorneys.
OnDemand Streaming: On-Demand Streaming allows for a single person to view the seminar unlimited times until one year after the seminar is held.
Recorded Packages: Recorded Packages allow for a single person to download and view the program recording and are also available via DVD or CD. Note: All downloads must be downloaded to a computer first, before transferring them to another device.
Recorded Packages or On-Demand streaming are one per person per order and include seminar materials. They are available approximately two weeks after the live program ends. If you need access to the recording sooner than that, please let us know and we’ll provide you with a temporary zoom streaming link in the interim.
* The Video Package includes the video recording of the webinar (including sound of course). The Audio Package is a separate audio-only recorded package, for those who wish to listen to it without visuals (such as in the car).
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What You Will Learn
Faculty includes Retired Federal Court Chief Magistrate Judge Suzanne Segal (CDCA), now in ADR, Superior Court Judge (San Francisco) Joseph Quinn and Superior Court Judge Harold Hopp (Riverside).
Thursday, November 7, 2024
1:00 p.m. – 4:45 p.m. Pacific Time
1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Planning for the MSJ
Adam Shea, Ryan Erickson, with Judge Suzanne Segal (Ret.) and Judge Harold Hopp commenting
- Federal v. State Court
- Pleading considerations for your complaint or answer relevant to MSJ
- Early meeting considerations and initial disclosures relevant to MSJ
- Timing considerations
- Motions to dismiss or demurrers that introduce MSJ topics
- Discovery plans relevant to MSJ
- Researching jury instruction and legal precedent in preparation for your MSJ
- Cost considerations
- Motions for Summary Adjudication v. Summary Judgment
2:00 p.m. – 2:10 p.m.
2:10 p.m. – 4:45 p.m. (there will be a break during this session)
Writing the Motion for Summary Judgment and the Opposition
Evangeline Burbidge, Khari Tillery, Irean Swan and Sebastian Kaplan, with Judge Joseph Quinn, Ret. Judge Suzanne Segal (Ret.) and Judge Harold Hopp commenting
Evangeline Burbidge and Irean Swan
- Moving papers
- The standards (Federal vs. State)
- Important considerations (Federal vs. State)
- Persuasive MSJ writing – the P & A
- Intro
- Headers
- Content
- Conclusion
- Supporting declarations
- Supporting evidence
- The Separate Statements of Undisputed Facts
BREAK (5 min)
Khari Tillery and Sebastian Kaplan
- Opposition – standards (federal vs state)
- Opposition – declarations and evidence
- Opposition – response to Separate Statement of Facts
- Opposition – Separate statement of Disputed Facts
- The Reply – P & A, responses to Oppositions Statement of Disputed Facts
- Responding to typical arguments
- Objections to evidence and responses
- Proposed judgment
- Objections to the proposed judgment
- Final tips and advice from the bench
- Mistakes to Avoid
“Phenomenal course. I’ve been lucky to have opportunities to really tackle summary judgment motions very early on in my career. Even then, this program was helpful in providing me tips, especially when it comes to reply to an opposition to a summary judgment motion. A must attend for newer lawyers.” – Christopher Williams, Esq.
“Speakers were very knowledgeable and clearly explained the topic. The handout is very helpful as well.” – Matthew Dobbs, Esq.
“As a younger lawyer, the preparation of a summary judgment motion can be an intimidating task. This course was very informative and provided helpful information as to developing a plan in the early stages of litigation, to build towards a successful summary judgment motion.” – Christopher Williams, Esq.
“I enjoyed the program and the time went quickly.” – Matthew Dobbs, Esq.
“Satisfied, there was good information provided by all.”
“It was very informative and the examples are very helpful.”
“Great information and insight from judges.”
“The speakers were very good about explaining why we should and should not do certain things with regard to preparing motions for summary judgment.”
Hon. Suzanne H. Segal (Ret.)
Retired Magistrate Judge, CDCA
Neutral, Signature Resolution
After 18 years as a United States Magistrate Judge with the Central District of California, including four years as the Chief Magistrate Judge, Hon. Suzanne H. Segal (Ret.) joins Signature Resolution as a mediator, arbitrator and Special Master/Discovery Referee. During her tenure on the federal bench, Judge Segal presided over numerous trials, evidentiary hearings, motions and discovery conferences involving diverse subject matter. Judge Segal served as the settlement judge in hundreds of cases, settling business and insurance disputes, patent, trademark and copyright actions, and employment, civil rights, and tort cases. Judge Segal handled a wide range of motions and settlements arising out of class actions, particularly in the wage and hour context.
Judge Segal has broad experience in securities litigation, including matters brought by private investors and the SEC. In addition, Judge Segal has extensive experience in matters involving the False Claims Act and related actions involving the healthcare industry.
Judge Segal has served as a Special Master or Discovery Referee in cases involving the False Claims Act, mass tort and insurance claims, patent litigation, and product liability claims.
Before her appointment to the bench, Judge Segal served as an Assistant United States Attorney in the Civil Division of the Los Angeles U.S. Attorney’s Office for 12 years. As an AUSA, Judge Segal handled a variety of cases, including contract, employment, civil rights, Medicare reimbursement and tort claims. She also brought consumer and civil rights actions on behalf of the Department of Justice. From 1999 to
2002, she served as the Chief of Civil Appeals for the U.S. Attorney’s Office. Prior to serving in the U.S. Attorney’s Office, Judge Segal was a civil litigator at Dewey, Ballantine and Adams, Duque and Hazeltine.
Judge Segal has also served as a lecturer in Law at UCLA School of Law and Loyola Law School.
Judge Segal is known for her work ethic and persistent dedication to reach a positive result for the parties.
Hon. Harold W. Hopp
Superior Court of California, Riverside County
Judge Harold W. Hopp has served on the Riverside County Superior Court since 2005. He was the Court’s presiding judge from January 2015 to December 2016. His hears complex cases on a direct assignment calendar in Department 1 of the Historic Courthouse in Riverside. Prior assignments included general unlimited civil cases.
From September, 2017 to September 2023, Judge Hopp was a member of the Judicial Council of California and, prior to that, a member of the Civil Jury Instructions Advisory Committee for five years and the Civil and Small Claims Advisory Committee for three years. In 2017, he was selected to the Desert Bar Association and Warren Slaughter/Richard Roemer Inn of Court Hall of Fame as the Outstanding Jurist of the Year.
In practice, Judge Hopp was a litigator focusing on business litigation and employment law; most of his career was with Quinn Emanuel. Besides Riverside County, he tried cases in several counties, including San Diego, Orange, Los Angeles, and San Bernardino.
Judge Hopp is a graduate of the USC Law School, where he was an articles editor of the Southern California Law Review. He resides in Yucaipa, California.
Hon. Joseph M. Quinn
Superior Court of CA, San Francisco County
Joseph M. Quinn is a judge of the San Francisco Superior Court, appointed to the bench in 2015, elected to a full term the following year and most recently re-elected in 2022. Judge Quinn has served in four of the five divisions of the court: presiding over felony pre-trial proceedings, misdemeanor and felony trials, probate proceedings, civil law and motion and civil trials. He has also served on the court’s Appellate Division, reviewing judgments from traffic, misdemeanor and limited-jurisdiction civil proceedings. He was the supervising judge of the Probate and Mental Health Division. He is active in court management, serving on several committees including the committees on rules, governance and elimination of bias. He has been twice elected to the court’s executive committee. He is a member of the Judicial Council of California’s Probate and Mental Health Advisory Committee.
Immediately prior to joining the bench, he was a litigation partner at Hanson Bridgett LLP and, before that, with Meyers Nave, LLP. At both firms, he chaired the appellate practice group. While in practice, Judge Quinn was a certified appellate specialist. Earlier in his career, he served as a trial attorney with the Federal Defenders of San Diego, Inc., a principal trial attorney with the San Francisco City Attorney’s office, and as a senior litigation associate at Howard Rice Nemerovski Canady Falk & Rabkin P.C. (now Arnold & Porter Kaye Scholer LLP).
Judge Quinn has been an adjunct professor at St. Mary’s College and Golden Gate University School of Law. He is active in judicial education, most recently presenting at the Civil Justice Institute. He is a former chair of the State Bar Appellate Law Advisory Commission and former member of the State Bar Board of Legal Specialization. He is a fellow of Litigation Counsel of America, a trial lawyer honorary society dedicated to diversity in the profession. He served on Governor Brown’s Bay Area Judicial Selection Advisory Committee and Governor Gavin Newsom’s Bay Area JSAC. He is a director at Levitt and Quinn Family Law Center, a legal services organization in Los Angeles co-founded by his grandmother.
Judge Quinn received his B.A. from UCLA and his J.D. from the University of California, Berkeley School of Law. He served as a law clerk to Judge Eugene F. Lynch of the United States District Court for the Northern District of California.
Judge Quinn was born and raised in Buffalo, New York, and happy to leave the snow shovel behind when he moved to LA for college. He is married to Hon. Jim Humes, Administrative Presiding Judge of the California Court of Appeal, First Appellate District. They live in San Francisco.
Evangeline A.Z. Burbidge, Esq.
Lewis & Llewellyn LLP
Evangeline (Evan) is a leader in the legal community, a trusted counselor, and a skilled advocate.
Whether litigating a case or advising a client, Evan understands the importance of the big picture. She also knows that being an effective litigator means not only fighting hard, but also being a proactive problem solver. She is a straight shooter, respected by both colleagues and opposing counsel.
Evan litigates and advises on a broad array of matters, including complex commercial cases, trade secret theft, fraud, breach of contract, and other business disputes.
Since joining Lewis & Llewellyn, she has worked for Fortune 100 companies, individuals, and Silicon Valley start-ups, both litigating and conducting internal investigations.
Evan has worked on both the defense and plaintiff’s side, successfully representing a billion-dollar company against allegations of wrongdoing and, more recently, securing her client a victory in connection with allegations of trade secret theft. Outside of the business context, Evan has also represented survivors of childhood sexual abuse, helping them achieve justice through the legal system.
Evan is also active in the legal community and is barred in both California and Utah. She is a member of Women Lawyers of Utah and serves on the board of HEAL Utah. She also spearheaded efforts to increase the profile of female leaders in the field and is an active mentor.
Ms. Burbidge was recently selected by the Daily Journal as one of the Top 100 Women Lawyers in California. She has also been recognized by Best Lawyers, Super Lawyers Magazine as a Super Lawyer, Utah Business Magazine as a member of “2022 Legal Elite”, Benchmark Litigation, and has received other awards recognizing her litigation successes and contributions to the field.
A Utah native, Evan loves skiing and trying to teach her children to do the same. She also enjoys learning about clean tech, supporting local theater, and demonstrating her uncanny ability to recognize C-list celebrities.
Ryan Erickson, Esq.
Lewis & Llewellyn LLP
Ryan Erickson is a tenacious litigator who thrives in the high-pressure environment of civil litigation. As a Partner at Lewis & Llewellyn, Ryan brings years of experience representing plaintiffs and defendants in a diverse array of complex disputes. He enjoys combining strategy, grit, and efficiency to best meet his clients’ litigation objectives. After graduating with High Honors from Princeton University, Ryan received his law degree from UCLA, where he was an Editor of the Law Review and selected as a member of the Order of the Coif (top 10% of his class). Ryan began his career in the San Francisco office of Latham & Watkins LLP, one of the world’s premier law firms, where he represented several Fortune 500 companies in high-profile commercial disputes.
Since joining Lewis & Llewellyn in 2013, Ryan has secured complete defense victories for multiple clients in bet-the-company cases. Crossing the aisle to the plaintiff’s side of the courtroom, Ryan has secured millions of dollars in judgments and settlements through the successful prosecution of his clients’ claims. By litigating on both sides of the bar, Ryan brings a broad perspective to his practice that enables him to efficiently and effectively address the legal needs of his clients.
For four consecutive years, Ryan has been recognized as, a “Rising Star” by Super Lawyers Magazine, an honor reserved for only 2.5% of U.S. attorneys. Benchmark Litigation also recently named Ryan to its “Under 40 Hot List,” which honors the achievements of the nation’s “most accomplished legal partners of the age of forty or younger.” In addition to his business litigation practice, Ryan has also earned a reputation as a premier advocate for survivors of childhood sexual abuse. Applying the aggressive and exhaustive approach taken in high-stakes commercial litigation to his nationwide sexual abuse practice, Ryan has obtained numerous multi-million dollar recoveries on behalf of his clients. Along the way, he has become a tireless advocate for the prevention of sexual abuse. Ryan also serves on the Board of Directors of CALICO, one of the largest child advocacy centers in California, which serves approximately 700 abused children every year. During his free time, Ryan enjoys competing in the occasional Ironman triathlon and spending time with his family, usually outdoors in their 1991 Volkswagen Westfalia Vanagon.
Sebastian E. Kaplan, Esq.
Bryan Cave Leighton Paisner LLP
Sebastian litigates disputes concerning trademarks, copyrights, trade secrets, and complex commercial transactions. He represents clients in both federal and state courts and has successfully resolved claims at all stages from pre-litigation cease and desist letters through trial. In addition to intellectual property litigation, he defends technology innovators from privacy, false advertising, and other consumer-related class actions.
Sebastian is an active member of local and national bar associations. In 2016, he was appointed by the president of the American Bar Association to sit on the Advisory Commission of the Standing Committee on Public Education. He is a director of the Justice and Diversity Center of the Bar Association of San Francisco (“BASF”) and chair of the BASF Intellectual Property Section. In 2013, he served as the president of BASF’s Barristers Club, comprised of BASF attorneys with less than ten years of practice, and was named Outstanding Barrister of the Year in 2016. © 2024 Bryan Cave Leighton Paisner LLP.
He is also committed to pro bono homelessness prevention and regularly represents indigent tenants facing eviction. In 2015, Sebastian was awarded BASF’s annual Housing Justice Award for first-chairing a four-day unlawful detainer trial.
Before joining BCLP, Sebastian clerked for the Hon. Carlos T. Bea on the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals and practiced law at firms in San Francisco and Oakland.
Adam K. Shea, Esq.
Panish | Shea | Ravipudi LLP
Panish | Shea | Ravipudi LLP founding partner Adam Shea is a nationally recognized trial lawyer with extensive experience and success representing individuals and families in catastrophic injury and wrongful death cases in Los Angeles County, Orange County, San Bernardino County, Riverside County, and across Southern California.
Mr. Shea has a proven track record of helping those who have been harmed by negligence, wrongful conduct, violations of safety rules, and defective products – including automotive and tire product defects. In this area, Mr. Shea specializes in bus and truck collisions involving other vehicles and pedestrians, accidents resulting from tire failures, rollovers of 15 passenger vans, trucks and utility vehicles, as well as cases involving claims of roof crush, defective fuel systems, defective restraint systems, seat back failures, child safety seat defects, airbag deployment failures, van conversion defects, and vehicle crashworthiness. He has obtained some of the largest jury verdicts and settlements in California in these types of cases and was an integral part of the trial team in Lampe v. Continental Tire that resulted in a .6 million verdict, which is the largest jury verdict in history in a lawsuit involving a defective tire.
Mr. Shea also represents injured parties in cases involving commercial truck accidents, trash truck accidents, airplane accidents, helicopter crashes, train disasters, and governmental liability for dangerous condition of public property. He has achieved over 200 settlements and jury verdicts in excess of ,000,000 in these types of cases, including numerous record settlements and verdicts.
Mr. Shea is a member of the Los Angeles chapter of the American Board of Trial Advocates (“ABOTA”), and has been selected by his peers for inclusion in, Lawdragon 500 Leading Plaintiff Consumer Lawyers, Best Lawyers of America, National Trial Lawyers: The Top 100 Trial Lawyers, and Super Lawyers. He has been recognized for his legal ability and ethical standards by the prestigious Martindale-Hubbell peer review ratings with an A-V rating, the highest possible rating.
In 2011, Mr. Shea was a finalist for the Consumer Attorneys Association of Los Angeles (CAALA) Trial Lawyer of the Year for his representation of three young boys who lost both their parents when their van rolled over after a tread separation in the rear tire in the case of Barber v. Mossy Ford (San Diego Superior Court). The jury found that the car dealership had performed a faulty tire repair that led to the tread separation, and reached a record verdict of ,465,864. Pre-trial settlements with other defendants resulted in a combined recovery for the family of ,763,000 – as well as an agreement by the dealership to improve their training of its technicians to improve consumer safety.
A frequent lecturer at a wide variety of legal education seminars, Mr. Shea travels throughout the country sharing his expertise with his professional peers. He has appeared on national news programs, including NBC News, and has authored numerous articles in legal publications on various topics.
Mr. Shea is a member of several professional organizations, including the Board of Governors of the Consumer Attorneys Association of Los Angeles, the Board of Directors of the Attorneys Information Exchange Group, the Consumer Attorneys of California, Trial Lawyers for Public Justice, and the American Association for Justice.
A 1990 graduate of UCLA, Mr. Shea earned his Juris Doctorate from Loyola Law School of Los Angeles in 1993.
Irean Z. Swan, Esq.
Irean Z. Swan is in the San Diego office of Rosing Pott & Strohbehn. Ms. Swan’s practice focuses on complex litigation, with a focus in intellectual property, business, and professional liability matters.
Prior to joining Rosing Pott & Strohbehn, Ms. Swan practiced business litigation, with an emphasis in real estate litigation. She has significant federal and state litigation experience and success with trial, pre-trial, and post-trial motions including demurrers, motions to strike, motions to dismiss, motions for summary judgment, and in limine motions.
Ms. Swan earned her Juris Doctor degree from the University of San Diego School of Law and her Bachelor of Arts from the University of California, San Diego. In law school, Ms. Swan was the Managing Editor of the San Diego Journal of Climate and Energy Law and represented the University of San Diego in international moot court competitions in Hong Kong and Vienna. Ms. Swan also externed for the Honorable Barbara L. Major and the Honorable Jill L. Burkhardt of the Southern District of California.
Ms. Swan is a first generation Chinese-American and is fluent in Mandarin Chinese. She is a member of the State Bar of California, the San Diego Chapter of the Federal Bar Association, the Lawyers Club of San Diego, the Legal Ethics Committee of the San Diego County Bar Association (SDCBA), and the San Diego Defense Lawyers (SDDL). During her free time, Ms. Swan enjoys snowboarding, Pilates, and spending time in the mountains with her family.
Khari J. Tillery, Esq.
Keker, Van Nest & Peters LLP
I am a problem solver who happens to be a lawyer.
Whether representing companies or individuals, in civil or criminal matters, I begin every relationship by asking the same three questions: (1) what are the issues my client is facing (legal and otherwise); (2) what are my client’s primary concerns and strategic goals; (3) how can I help my client achieve their desired resolution as efficiently as possible? In some cases, resolution can only be achieved through aggressive litigation tactics, while other cases require a more subtle touch – and, of course, most cases require a little of both. Having tried seven cases in various forums, four as lead counsel, I know how to help my clients avoid litigation, set their cases up for a successful pretrial resolution, or win at trial.
During my 15 years of practice, I have advised on, litigated, and tried all manner of commercial disputes, while specializing in contract disputes, trade secret misappropriation, data privacy, unfair competition, and legal malpractice. I have trial experience in both federal and state court (including five jury trials), as well as binding arbitration.
I maintain a robust pro bono practice, primarily representing wrongfully convicted prisoners in habeas corpus proceedings, individuals whose civil rights have been violated, and criminal defendants. I am also on the Board of Directors of the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights of the San Francisco Bay Area.
Seminar Materials are included with OnDemand and all recorded package options.
OnDemand Streaming! On-Demand Streaming allows for a single person to view the seminar unlimited times until one year after the seminar is held.
Recorded Packages! Recorded Packages allow for a single person to download and view the program recording and are also available via DVD or CD.
Discounted rates are available for 2-4 attorneys at your firm. Licenses are available for law firms or agencies that would like to distribute the video package or OnDemand Streaming access to more than four attorneys at their firm or agency.
OnDemand Streaming: $279
Recorded Packages via Download or CD/DVDs:
Video Recording – DVD or Download: $279
Audio Only (for in your car, etc.) Recording – CD or Download: $279
Order both the Video and Audio Only Packages for only $50 more – Download, DVD or CD: $329
$10 shipping and sales tax (in California) are added at checkout to DVD/CD orders.
This program was recorded live on November 7, 2024. Because we record our seminars live and they are edited, OnDemand Streaming and Recorded Packages are available approximately two to three weeks after the seminar is held.
Your OnDemand access is good for up to one-year from the time of purchase. Please be sure to select OnDemand Streaming to the right and check out. OnDemand can be watched from any type of device.
*The Video recording is a video of the webinar (with sound). The Audio Only recording are audio files only and are for those who wish to listen to it without watching a video (such as in the car or while walking).
Note: OnDemand Streaming can be watched from any device. However, all download packages must be downloaded to a computer first, before transferring them to another device due to downloading as zip files containing both the video/audio and a large folder with seminar materials contained in the download package.
CLE Credit
CA General: This program is approved for 3.50 units of general CLE in California.
NY General: This course is eligible for approval, under New York’s CLE Approved Jurisdiction policy, for 3.50 CLE units. Pincus Professional Education is a CA Accredited Provider, which is a NY approved jurisdiction. See Section 6 of the New York State CLE Board Regulations and Guidelines for further information.
This program is approved for CLE in the state/s listed above.
Upon request, Pincus Pro Ed will provide any information an attorney needs to support their application for CLE approval in other states other than what is listed above. Many attorneys ask for this and are approved in other states.
$279.00 – $329.00 each
Recorded on November 7, 2024.