Lila Silverstein is our Latest Featured Speaker!

Our latest featured speaker is Lila Silverstein of Washington Appellate Project! 

Lila is speaking at our upcoming 9th Annual Advanced Appellate Practice program on November 19th and 20th, 2024. She will be co-teaching Amicus Briefs (Lila is speaking on the 20th). You can sign up to attend live, order OnDemand Streaming, or get the recorded package here.

As a faculty member, Lila is joined by former Washington Supreme Court Justice Philip Talmadge (in private practice), 9th Circuit Court of Appeals Judge Hon. Kim McLane Wardlaw, Appellate Judges Hon. Linda Coburn, Hon. Leonard Felman, Hon. Lori Smith, appellate Commissioners Hailey Landrus and Jennifer Koh, and top-notch practitioners, like Lila, who have spoken at our programs on many occasions and received excellent reviews every time!

Lila previously spoke at our 6th and 8th Annual Advanced Appellate Practice programs, held in 2021 and 2023. You can find the recorded packages of all of our annual Advanced Appellate program for Washington, via download or OnDemand Streaming, here.

Lila Silverstein is passionate about protecting the constitutional rights of individuals and ensuring equal access to justice for all. An appellate public defender since 2006, Lila represents indigent clients in the Washington Supreme Court, all three divisions of the Washington Court of Appeals, and the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit. Her most notable case is State v. Gregory, 427 P.3d 621 (Wash. 2018) (with co-counsel Neil Fox). Lila commissioned a statistical study on race and the death penalty in Washington and argued the death penalty was unconstitutional because it was imposed in an arbitrary and racially biased manner. In 2018, the Washington Supreme Court agreed and invalidated Washington’s capital punishment scheme.

Outside of case work, Lila volunteers her time presenting CLEs, writing amicus briefs, and serving on bar committees. Lila wrote significant sections of Washington’s General Rule 37, which provides strong protection against race discrimination in jury selection and is being emulated in other jurisdictions. She has served as chair of the King County Bar Association’s appellate practice section, and is an invited member of the Washington Appellate Lawyers Association and the American Academy of Appellate Lawyers. For her work, Lila has received the King County Bar Association’s Outstanding Lawyer of the Year Award, the William O. Douglas Award from the Washington Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers, the Kathleen Taylor Civil Libertarian Award from the ACLU of Washington, the Distinguished Service Award from the Civil Rights Section of the Washington State Bar Association, President’s Awards from both WACDL and the Washington Defender Association, and the Abolitionist of the Year Award from the Washington Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty.

We are always so happy to have you back Lila!

Emily Fridland

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